In the tent : shush now

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Father help me to relenquish the right to have an opinion about everything… Sometimes I just need to stay silent. Often I just need to stay silent. I’m an ungracious auto correct and just as annoying as the one on my laptop.

This year is almost over and I’m still trying to work on my one thing …. Speak less, listen more. Oh help me Father. Recast my heart from the precious metals of humility , truth and grace. Purify it in the fire of your holy presence. Humble. I long to be humble. To honour silence. To allow my words to gain weight in the vacuum of speech and land accurately and with grace when it’s time to let them fly. The world doesn’t need another shouted opinion however noble; it’s needs humility, truth and grace; the ways of my Jesus.

Published by wisdomshouts

I once was shy then found my voice. I'm a wife to Jason, a mum to Caleb, Micah and Matty, an only daughter, friend and Spiritual Director. "Lady Wisdom goes out in the street and shouts." At the town center she makes her speech. In the middle of the traffic she takes her stand. At the busiest corner she calls out" (Proverbs 1:20-21 MSG)

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